Monday 6 January 2014

2014 Goals

Happy New year to my readers. so its 2014 and its a new year and everyone one is looking forward to some new books to read. I want to tell you what my New year goals are and what will be happening in this Blog in 2014.
My goals are:
Read 50 books
Read more Adult and Manga and graphic novels always been interested in this and I want to  at least read one Manga
Read at least 2 Classics I have loads of Austen to read
Keep reading fun so no more TBRS as I don't want to stress myself out I am just going to read and post reviews and reading should be fun.
I want to re read harry potter and finshe at least one series so i have picked Alex rider to finshe in 2014
Do more reviews
I would love to participate in a read -a-thon and do more challenges This year i will be doing the Author A-Z Challenge which I will post as I go.
You tube only I want to interact more with Book tubers but i am a little shy because i do love to talk about books.

I will update every Saturday and Sunday on my written blog and upload on you tube Tuesday and Fridays