Friday, 8 May 2015

I Love Library's

I love my Libray and recently on Book tube there has been quite a bit of discussion about them. My Libray is like a second home to me I am almost in there once a week or a few times a month. I find going to the library and picking out books a quite fun and social experience I love browsing around the sections of the library and picking up books that I wouldn't normally read and then that feeling of bringing the home and diving in straight away. I love the social aspect of going to the Library as I have Aspergers you meet a lot of interesting people form young and old to bankers to Uni Students its a great way to meet new people and get involved with your community. My local library they send me events that are happening  at library in my town or near me. The great thing about my Library card i don't have to use for one library I can use it in any East Dorset Library and the Same with my Poole Library card I can use it any Poole library no just one thats why I love them my Library card is a key to unlock any adventure I want to explore I love the choice you can have for example you don't have to check out books you check out DVDs and Audio books and you can use the Computers and print things off you can sit and read magazine or just sit and read. The only downside to my library is it closes at 1 one a Tuesday and then all day on Wednesday I wish they had enough funding to stay open every day and for longer if you could give yourself and your children too a gift take them to the Library in the week and go get yourself a card and sign up its free and go see for yourself what your Local Library has to offer lets love our library before its too late as many are closing there door as not enough people are using them which I think is a shame espcally when you are on a budget or can't afford books to buy you can pop into your local Libary and get them for free and if you don't like the boo you can take i back. 
You can watch my book tube video on this subject for a more detailed take on why I love My Library 

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Have a good day and i will see you in my Next Blog please do like and subscribe to my Rhireads Channel as well
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Rhiannon xxx

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Eskimo Twins Review

The Eskimo Twins 
By: Lucy Fitch Perkins 
This is my Review of The Eskimo Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins
I enjoyed this book very much its about twins Minnie and Minnie
and there two dogs and they have adventures its a children book my book is very old as its my grandparents book it did bring back so many memories of reading this book I recommend this book to anyone who has children or yourself the pictures are amazing.
if you would like to buy this book you can by clicking hear you get free delivery
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