Saturday 5 April 2014

March Wrap Up/ April Reads

Hi Guys so in the Month of March I read one Book and that was Stormbreaker By Anthony Horowitz I gave this 5 stars on good reads and it was a reread and it still got 5 stars yay.
Hear is my link from my book tube channel of the review of storm breaker

In April i am planning on getting through Game of Thrones I am really enjoying this fantasy epic and i hope to read a good chunk of this in April. I also want to finshe the Collaborator by Margaret Leroy again I am really enjoying this book its set in 1940s Guernsey  and I will have a review up pretty soon.
I want to start the second Alex Rider book in April Point Blanc. If you want a more detailed list of the books I am planning on reding in April please check out my book tube channel and I will post the link to my March Wrap up/April reads hear
Please Support this blog by clicking hear and if you want to buy any of these books
Good Reads
I hope you all have a good reading month in April and I will see you in my next post
Rhiannon xxx

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