Friday 23 June 2017

You And Me Always By Jill Mansell

You and Me always By Jill Mansell
Published By Head Line Review
My Edition Published in 2016
Fave Qoute " I Love You Lily I always have loved you"
The Blurb." Lily's always been surrounded by love. Ever since her mother died, she's been cared for by friends who are as close as any family. Coral, her mum's best friend, Patsy her old babysitter and even Dan Patsy's incorrigible younger brother have always been there for her.
But when the chance comes to meet the man who was the love of her mothers life, Lily knows she has to take it. Getting to know him could change everything and not just for Lily"

My Thoughts: I don't normally like contemporary Romance but Jill Mansell has changed that for me. I enjoyed every moment of this book it had me intrigued from the first page to the last i couldn't put it down willing the charcatures to get to together to crying at the sad parts and laughing at the funny parts and even getting angry at the behavior of one charcture.The book is very funny and witty at time Jill Mansell has created at beautiful setting in a Village in the Cotswold's I felt like reading this book that i was one of the Villagers reading the book and that was how much I felt that I got sucked in. The development of the Charctures is really good they had good development which is rare for a comtempary Romance this book has none of the tropes of the Romance and I like that the Chractures do not fall in love quickly its a slow process and they go on dates before they declare that they love them. Lily Character goes on a very good journey trying to find out more about her mothers life as we find out quickly that her mum has died and finds a letter that her mum has written before her death on her birthday about the love of her life Declan and Lily writes to him inviting him over to find out more about her mothers life with him. Then there Corals development who has lost her husband and is trying to move on this is done sensitively and i am satisfied  with her story. I love Patsy and Dan chractures especially Dan who is a cheeky chapy  but I would of loved to have known what happened to there Mum Jill Mansell please tell me if you are reading this what did happen to there mum. But i love that Dan relationships dont last as he is secretly in love bless him. I dislike Lily's real dad couldn't stand him I also like Eddie and Lilys relationship they were very well suited I think but I knew it wouldn't last I loved the plot Twist I did not see it coming. All in all this such a great book to read if you are new to Contempary Romance and if you are new to Jill Mansells work and a great Summer read if you havent already got anything to read this summer. All in all a lovely Book I give it a 10/10.
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